I met the young Director and Creator of this documentary last night, Ricardo D'Aguiar, a vivacious and kind person. During our time around Takiwasi we've experienced many changes in our thinking patterns and motivation. We will be back in the United States this July and will be returning to our educational studies as soon as we can. Our lessons have all been oriented towards continuing our calling to understand plant medicines and the healing arts, but in conjunction with a societally integrated core of study. We will all be seeing more and more of the psychoactive plant medicines and return of ancient rituals in society as time goes on (as many of us have begun to see in the mainstream media); so young and old called to work with these medicines must begin to preempt the imminent challenges by filling themselves with a meaningful song to sing.
"Almost Time" by Samy Charnine Our experiences at Takiwasi and completely reestablishing our life from the USA into Peru this year, has led us into a deep learning process, which in fact has gone deep enough to lead us back to our roots! We are living in Tarapoto at this time, where we are exploring prayer from our childhood, self-discipline, occasional visits to the ceremonial space and a new found internalization on how one has to become more responsible as one asks for and receives the gifts of knowledge. It has been a very challenging year, and yet when we zoom out to the border perspective, we find that this is exactly what we've needed. Dr. Jacques Mabit's short lectures and the article below by Felix de Rosen are very pertinent and important for the current state of affairs surrounding curanderismo (the science and art of healing with plant medicines).
Arnica can safely speed healing and reduce symptoms of accidents, bruising and swelling due to diverse injuries: blows, falls, sprains, strains, twists and turns included. Its healing benefits other situations as well, while it is best to use it ASAP, even old injuries that still hurt have found Arnica useful. If taken before and after exercising, Arnica can help the body minimize soreness, strain and pain. In short, Arnica belongs in every home.
Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is rich in vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage. It's also comprised of 60%-70% of complete protein that has all the essential amino acids required for ultimate health. It is a type of kelp, so its 100% vegan as well!
This green super-food has so many health benefits it's impossible to list them all :)
This green super-food has so many health benefits it's impossible to list them all :)
Coconut oil has been demonized in the past due to it's high saturated fat levels. What researchers are slowly finding is that not all saturated fats are 'created equal'. Coconut oil contains mostly Medium Chain Triglycerides which are metabolized by the body differently that other saturated fats. Coconut oil also contains lauric acid, caprice acid, and caprylic acid containing antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties. Coconut oil has also been used in recipes, topical medicinal treatments, oil-pulling, enemas, and massage (to name a few) for centuries in Ayurveda- India's traditional medical system.
A 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge, the practice of yoga harmonizes the body with the mind and breath through the means of breathing techniques, postures (asanas) and meditation. We've been fortunate to have been exposed to several styles of yoga including Ashtanga, Iyengar, Purna, Vinyasa, and Restorative. Each style has something unique to offer. Some studios showcase different teachers during the week, who specialize in different styles. Joining a variety of classes broadens our understanding of the art of exploring the body, mind and spirit. |
This oil is made in America in New York State from a spectrum of traditional essential oils that are environmentally friendly and contain no chemicals. These components are all natural and mixed to microscopically adjusted proportions to release the full beneficial properties of each individual oil. The formula includes no other substances except what may be found in the following: sweet almond oil, bergamot, chamomile, rosemary, peppermint, lavender, basil, orange, cardamom, clary sage, geranium, eucalyptus and ginger essential oils.
P.S. The man behind this Essential Oil blend is a dear friend!
Aside from its medicinal benefits we love its calming aroma.
Paul Stamets designed this blend of seven mushroom species (Royal Sun Blazei, Cordyceps, Reishi, Maitake, Lion's Mane, Chaga and Mesima) to support general immunity. Many use Stamets 7 as a general tonic for maintaining peak performance and health.* MyCommunity is preferred when the strongest immune support is needed. Each capsule contains 500 mg of Certified Organic freeze-dried mushroom mycelium. |
An excerpt from the documentary: "The Jungle Prescription: Ayahuasca"
The Jungle Prescription is the tale of two doctors treating their addicted patients with a mysterious Amazonian medicine rumored to reveal one's deepest self. Dr. Gabor Maté has a revolutionary idea: to treat addicts with compassion.
His work as the resident doctor in Vancouver's Portland Hotel - a last-chance destination for lifelong drug abusers - has been courageous, but incredibly frustrating. Maté hears of an ancient medicine beyond his imaginings: one that could provide his patients with a solution.
The Jungle Prescription is the tale of two doctors treating their addicted patients with a mysterious Amazonian medicine rumored to reveal one's deepest self. Dr. Gabor Maté has a revolutionary idea: to treat addicts with compassion.
His work as the resident doctor in Vancouver's Portland Hotel - a last-chance destination for lifelong drug abusers - has been courageous, but incredibly frustrating. Maté hears of an ancient medicine beyond his imaginings: one that could provide his patients with a solution.

The New Chapter Zyflamend supplement has become a go-to supplement for years now for Zain and I. Whenever we are feeling sick, sluggish, sore from running, have allergies, or asthma issues (to list a few), we take a few capsules of zyflamend. The capsules contain of a great combination of herbs that work together to halt inflammation while supporting healthy systemic body function. We stand behind this company in their efforts to help increase health through herbal remedies.
Click on the link below:
Click on the link below:

Epsom salt soaking was recently introduced to me by my grandfather. After obtaining a nice sized bucket for him to soak his feet in, I decided I’d give it a try myself. I added 3 drops of lavendar oil to the recommended amount of epsom salt in my warm bucket of water, which ended up being a really great addition. Below is a link to a site listing several health benefits from soaking with epsom salts.
Click on the link below for more info:
A urinary tract infection is an infection in any part of your urinary system. Women are at a greater risk of these infections, but men are susceptible as well. Antibiotics are often prescribed to eliminate the infection. When I can, I often opt to try out the natural remedies before taking antibiotics. I am not opposed to taking antibiotics, but I am very wary of the side effects of frequent usage. |
Some women so frequently get UTI’s they are put on a daily low dosage of an antibiotic to avoid future infections. To me, this should be avoided at all costs. I will list the natural remedies that work for me to help prevent urinary tract infections, and in my case, have cured painful infections for me in the past.
1) Coriander powder in hot water
-2 teaspoons of coriander powder in 1 1/2 cups of hot water
1) Coriander powder in hot water
-2 teaspoons of coriander powder in 1 1/2 cups of hot water
2) MMS-Miracle Mineral Supplement
-Protocol 1000
*Note: There is a lot of controversy surrounding MMS. Do you’re own research and gather many opinions surrounding any concerns.
-Protocol 1000
*Note: There is a lot of controversy surrounding MMS. Do you’re own research and gather many opinions surrounding any concerns.
![]() I developed a wart on my palm after I removed a splinter that remained under my skin for weeks. Instead of resorting to any chemical removers I placed a sliver of garlic right on the wart. The first time I did this, I wrapped regular wide strip scotch-tape around my whole hand and left the garlic on for more than fifteen minutes. This was a mistake. I thought the burning sensations I felt was simply the wart losing the battle against the garlic. I remember wondering why the rest of my palm was burning but tried to ignore it. When I finally unwrapped my hand and took off the garlic I realized I had burned my palm! Garlic juice can actually give you a chemical burn! Besides the wart I now had to deal with a sore palm and blistering. | So the lesson was to put the garlic sliver over a piece of tape that I cut a little circular, wart sized hole in (Zahra's ingenious idea). Then I wrapped another piece of tape around it to secure it all into place; this I left on for under 10minutes or until I noticed a burning sensation. After doing this once a day, for three or four days, I stopped harassing the wart and it vanished soon after. For anyone who has a more stubborn wart, do the treatment for a consistent period, take a break and try again after a few days. Check out this link below: Garlic Cures 100% of Warts In Clinical Study |
Excerpt from Herb Wisdom:
"Cat's Claw may help create support for the intestinal and immune systems of the body, and may also creates intestinal support with its ability to cleanse the entire intestinal tract. This cleansing helps create support for people experiencing different stomach and bowel disorders, including: colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and leaky bowel syndrome.
In addition, in one study, human volunteers who took Cat's claw for 8 weeks showed improved DNA repair.
Cat's Claw can often be found combined with other 'immune' herbs with similar healing properties such as Echinacea and may:
"Cat's Claw may help create support for the intestinal and immune systems of the body, and may also creates intestinal support with its ability to cleanse the entire intestinal tract. This cleansing helps create support for people experiencing different stomach and bowel disorders, including: colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and leaky bowel syndrome.
In addition, in one study, human volunteers who took Cat's claw for 8 weeks showed improved DNA repair.
Cat's Claw can often be found combined with other 'immune' herbs with similar healing properties such as Echinacea and may:
- reduce pain and inflammation of rheumatism, arthritis and other types of inflammatory problems.
- have anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties that inhibits cancerous cell formation.
- promote the healing of wounds.
- be useful for treatment of gastric ulcers and intestinal complaints
- help to relieve chronic pain.
- enhance immunity by stimulating the immune system.
- help people experiencing stomach and bowel disorders, including colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky bowel syndrome, gastritis and duodenal ulcers, intestinal inflammation.
- help fight both viral and fungal infections such as Herpes and Candida"
Rapé pronounced Ha-pey in Brazil is a tobacco based medicinal snuff used by the Huni Kun tribe.
Rapé from Christine Borch on Vimeo.
Try things out for yourself, one 'size' or system does not fit everyone. It's important to know your own body and mind and pave your own path.
The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and should not be used to diagnose and treat diseases. We are reporting about our own experiences in using certain remedies to aid in certain conditions.
Always take time to research and gather many opinions on possible treatments, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.
The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and should not be used to diagnose and treat diseases. We are reporting about our own experiences in using certain remedies to aid in certain conditions.
Always take time to research and gather many opinions on possible treatments, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.
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