Of course...with the intention to hone in. A trade of trades, born in the facility of perception. Go on, durable...sustained and insightful. Play with the make of your own world, shift the perspective of raging bulls to the patience of flamingos. Trust in your internal world. Know your wisdom is what is needed. There are no rules. It is not as serious as it all seems. Play and play away. What do you think you are doing even now?
We are here to live a story and play a game in which we are all mirrors and winners.
Really? Food for thought? Or just thought?
Feel. You don't have to be a lone judge, feel the gaze of all life just behind your watery eyes. Bust out of the "norm," the mundane, the anti-evolutionary...live well, take care of your fleshy cathedral, feed your mind nourishing knowledge and your soul adventures. Nothing in the universe can slow you down. Mundane life only reflects a mundane You.
Everywhere lies a heaven.
The bare skeletons of dormant watchers awaiting the blossom of the green heart...
Spiraling explosions of life in the tiniest puff of breath.
The gaping heresy of man-folk, unknown and active, confused with the petty mental shakes of past and future.
Belligerent confidence. Murderous ignorance. Harrowing indolence.
The golden dawn of a new world came after the twilight of sorrow and listlessness...the brick and mortar permanence deemed worthless by the same builders that once bared bright smiles.
The motherly intelligence beckons:
We will humbly crawl into rounded womb hearths and the sky will be our ceiling.