My vision is to complete this one day as an endless loop of of clouds, snake and curandero coming out of each other.
My vision is to complete this one day as an endless loop of of clouds, snake and curandero coming out of each other. -Zain
As part of our seven year anniversary we treated ourselves to a present: a course on relationships! We thought, "well, we've been investing in all sorts of things that we love- good foods, books, trips to the jungle, a sacred living space, etc. but how about we start turning our attention and 'investments' to what, or rather, to whom we love the most, each other!" Of course by doing what we love we enrich our relationship but the study of the art of relating helps us put concepts and words to the ups and downs we experience as a couple. In this post we share notes and expand on session 3 of the Evolver Learning Lab's "Falling and Staying in Love", which was taught by Bryan Franklin and Jennifer Russell. There is a lot of information in this one and so some things may be unclear. We recommend focusing on whatever resonates with you and seeing how you can apply it to your partnership.
Ayahuasca doesn’t tell a person what to do or what is necessarily better or worse for them- they decide that. This medicine can be approached as a powerful guide that lays out all the options and has one viscerally experience- activating the limbic system -what each choice would entail. The light and dark, positive and negative, Yin and Yang of both sides is felt. It is then up to the individual to move forward and stick with what is the healthiest choice, based on their capacity to discern what that is, at that moment in time. This step in a healthy direction will further the person’s evolution and they will gain an ever greater capacity to discern goodness, beauty and truth.
While working at the Mohonk Preserve we sometimes catch sight of creatures like snakes, falcons, bears, vultures, bucks and others...
Ye who pass by and would raise a hand against us,
heed well our prayer before you harm us. We are the fuel for your fires on cold nights, the friendly shade protecting you from the fierce sun; and our fruits are refreshment to quench your thirst and cheer you as you journey onwards. We are the rafters of your roofs, boards of your tables and bodies of your boats, the seats of your stools and the boards of your beds. We are the handles of your hoes, the gates of your homes, the wood of your cradles and the shells of your coffins. We are the saviors of your soil from loss by rain and wind, and to your soil we give richness and life for the benefit of all mankind. We are the bread of kindness and the flower of beauty. You who pass us by listen to our prayer and harm us not. Anonymous The bear, the eagle, the wolf...all spirit animal totems, all well known and identified with by many. However there is one virtually unknown and quite an unexpected totem: The jolly Sea-Monkey!
“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.”
-Alan W. Watts "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
-Helen Keller "You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails"
-Unknown Archives
September 2020