In this moment of grace a fresh thought came with a high degree of clarity and cohesion.
To these moments, I pay extra attention and board the train of thought willingly.
It went something like this:
Being "Indian," or rather, Native or Indigenous is a state of consciousness.
For example Inca, Maya, Apache, Lakota, and even current isolated tribes around the world are literally occupying a stream, a current of awareness in the ocean of consciousness. Beyond birth, each individual is raised with certain norms and values which direct their lives with a particular outlook.
Goddess, the Mother God, the Father Father Sky, Mother Earth Yahweh Christ, Christ Consciousness Krishna Mohammad Yeshua Indigenous Wisdom God Without, God Within Know Thyself Lose Thyself Yoga, Meditation, Martial Arts Crystals, Divination, Magic Astronomy, Astrology Healthy eating: organic, free range, non-GMO Spiritual Astral Back to Earth Grounded Freedom Ritual ................... |
Soon it may be the case that our current group of generations will have a fitting title, or name that will evoke a sense of deep time and awe in the hearts of our children's children's children. For what is a name other than a label on a specific tuning of the unseen strings that vibrate our reality into being?
Much like the string on a guitar we label with an arbitrary letter for organization's sake, throughout the ages language and labeling has been used to identify and establish identification with feelings, thoughts, states of awareness...
Labels are reference points to consciousness- a piece of art, music, a language, or even a stone can be assigned as a reminder to a particular vibration.
Notice the color in the pictures below, as well as the style and symbolic reference point to a certain vibration of experience in Ayahuasca states.
There is medicine out there.
There is wisdom out there.
And vibrations that await to be heard and felt.
Don't doubt all tribal dances, face paint and seemingly "primitive festivities" that we all too often judge as "for show" and "attention." There is significance in what we, at face value, can easily judge as nonsense. There are states of being that take experience to know.
They do not fit into intellectual schemata and wordy explanations.
There is fear in modern people that "others" not part of the societal structures of western civilization are dangerous because we think they don't have the same conscience, the same values, and the same folkways, mores and taboos. We do not want to be misled, made fools of and sent on a wild goose chase. These fears all come from an attitude of lack. Know yourself, take pride in your global heritage, in your far-reaching awareness, in your multi-ethnic background, your versatility and yes even your possible misfortunes of growing up in dysfunctional family structures, which encoded you with the experiential knowledge of what needs to be healed in humanity's collective psyche...
There is much we are to learn, as well as teach. No one has all the answers; we are all co-creating a new existence for humanity. There are even decedents of mutilated tribes who are rediscovering their roots and reconnecting to old customs with a new twist. We are blessed with traditions that have been passed down for generations, and most importantly we are also staying true to the guidance in the NOW.
Rituals are meant to serve us, to make us present and aligned. When we begin serving them instead we literally shut the gates on Grace coming to kiss our hearts. We dance upon the surface of rituals and they provide us with a platform to take-off of into freeform creativity with integrity and with an aim towards higher and higher vibration.
It is about heart, not about blood.
We are all natives to this Earth.
Natives are taught by nature, the stars, the universe, the mystery...
We have been, we are and will be, living and learning into infinity.