Protect yourself against cold when it begins
and welcome it at its end,
for it acts on bodies as it acts on trees:
at first it scorches and parches;
at the end it causes leaves to sprout.
- unknown -
You have forgotten who you are and so have forgotten me...Remember...Remember -Mufasa Remember the Prince's Journey Born of Love a vivacious and innocent child to inherent the world except that which is not to be claimed come the realities, the pain the suffering the misguidance of the Graceless unduly taken by a soft heart flee the present past put behind, a "free" life, a private oasis a heavy heart Come the Signs and Reminders the Journey into Self into Essence Remember... Initiation, Vision, Decision return to what was once rich and in balance now a wasteland the Circle of Life broken the Laws that Govern ignored the Mantle in shadow to be reclaimed Responsibility to face the Graceless in the fires of misunderstanding, judgment, danger Challenge Justice, Truth, Wisdom the hesitant Reclaiming shaky steps forward Remember... the clouds part, the Kings of the past above and the Roar of Existence is birthed anew Ye who pass by and would raise a hand against us,
heed well our prayer before you harm us. We are the fuel for your fires on cold nights, the friendly shade protecting you from the fierce sun; and our fruits are refreshment to quench your thirst and cheer you as you journey onwards. We are the rafters of your roofs, boards of your tables and bodies of your boats, the seats of your stools and the boards of your beds. We are the handles of your hoes, the gates of your homes, the wood of your cradles and the shells of your coffins. We are the saviors of your soil from loss by rain and wind, and to your soil we give richness and life for the benefit of all mankind. We are the bread of kindness and the flower of beauty. You who pass us by listen to our prayer and harm us not. Anonymous "The heavens descend, and the hells arise,
bubbling like oil and water, in the cauldron of the mind." -Zain |
“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.”
-Alan W. Watts "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
-Helen Keller "You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails"
-Unknown Archives
September 2020