You have forgotten who you are and so have forgotten me...Remember...Remember
Remember the Prince's Journey
Born of Love
a vivacious and innocent child
to inherent the world
except that which is not to be claimed
come the realities, the pain the suffering
the misguidance of the Graceless
unduly taken by a soft heart
flee the present
past put behind, a "free" life, a private oasis
a heavy heart
Come the Signs and Reminders
the Journey into Self
into Essence
Initiation, Vision, Decision
return to what was once rich and in balance
now a wasteland
the Circle of Life broken
the Laws that Govern ignored
the Mantle in shadow
to be reclaimed
to face the Graceless
in the fires of misunderstanding, judgment, danger
Justice, Truth, Wisdom
the hesitant Reclaiming
shaky steps forward
the clouds part, the Kings of the past above
and the Roar of Existence is birthed anew