It is July already. We are past the half-way mark for 2015.
A true portal for change and evolution this year has been.
In the past few years there have been so many deaths of people we either knew personally or were somehow linked to us. However lately, we’ve begun to lose count of all the new beings coming into this world: there are so many acquaintances, friends, and family celebrating pregnancies.
Also, this is a time of transitions. People we know are moving, changing careers, leaving school systems, getting fired, or relocated in their jobs; new management structures in large corporations and long standing hierarchical structures are found to be increasingly inhumane and unstable.
Observations journaled below, little appetizers for thought:
Though this age is ripe for spiritual unfoldment and the future that humanity has strived for is here, only waiting for people to open their eyes to realize it, we are still polishing ourselves, our societies and are moving towards greater understanding of consciousness.
It is the time to be open, with our hearts shining and guiding us.
It is not the time to be gullible and scattered.
It is the time to follow intuition and courageously step into the stream of synchronicity in life.
It is not the time to be foolhardy and ignore when your intuition is guiding you to be still and present to the synchronicity that is already present in your life that you may be blind to because you are seeing through the lens of negativity or apathy. To be firm and choose your current reality over “the grass is greener on the other side” reality takes courage too.
Now is the time to explore the depth of our emotions.
It is not the time to get consumed by negative emotions of fear, jealousy and hate by losing the center of perception that allows you to observe thoughts and feelings as characters that put up a play momentarily in your theater.
It is not the time to be ignorant of the foundational mechanisms of society and ignore the callings of the cultural creative within you.
Now is the time for intelligence to be welcomed into your mind and heart, with the knowing that you are infinitely capable to thrive in this lifetime.
Now is not the time to forget that your intelligence wells from an intelligent Universe/God.
Now is the time to respect and honor the masculine and feminine. Any assumptions and preplanned schematics of relating to the dichotomous energies of male and female should be abandoned. A person is to be interacted with as a complex and mysteriously mirroring being.
It is not ok to judge anyone based on appearance: Especially the surface level appearance of gender.
Now is the time to do an improvisational dance: Every moment is a great opportunity to be creative in the way you reply to the “external” world; the way you react to circumstances, to people, to natural phenomena, etc.
What drama do you play in a social setting? What words do you use? What gestures? Do you leave room for silence? What do you do with Silence that is often considered awkward?
For too long we have been waltzing to the ideals and concepts of how we think we should live; based on traditions that have become vitiated, culture that demands conformity and unconscious defense mechanisms we’ve developed throughout our childhood trying to adjust to life in society.
Now is the time to shine.
Now is the time to be conscious of how your shine comes from a natural reaction, just like the activity within a Sun.
Now is the time to be happy for others and to help them discover the Sun hidden inside them…by inspiring them.
Now is not the time to fall into patterns of jealousy and withholding behaviors; we must remember that we are only as successful as our brothers and sisters. We each give each other permission, space, and creative criticism to help each other come into ourselves. We must walk on the path of self-realization so that we are not hypocrites when giving advice. Also remembering to give positive feedback when we sense something good (life-giving and evolutionary); the same as we'd like to hear when we do something well. Otherwise we will find that it will be hard to resist going down the path of the solitary and power-hungry “successful” individual.
Now is the time to see people as the entirety of Spirit and Physical brain (ego) that they are.
Now is not the time to be shattered by people’s behaviors and opinions- especially those closest to you -just because you once held many assumptions and expectations of who you thought they were. No one is just ‘nice’ or just ‘mean’ they are a marvelous complex of the struggle to become who they feel called to be in this life. We are all bearers of necessary polarity/dynamic tension. We are all spiritual beings tackling a great, great challenge on this physical plane. We are all "socially awkward."
One of the reasons why many relationships and social contacts are under stress is because we live in a new age of unprecedented interconnection and boundary dissolution. Many of us want to be open and carefree- as we all inherently feel this calling in this age -however we don’t realize why we are getting drained and irritable as we keep energy-letting (like blood-letting), so we feel in conflict and inauthentic in social situations; when all we need is a break so that we can actually bring something real and fresh to people.
We must honor these blessings of interconnection by giving time to ourselves- to retreat, to rest, to shut off our devices, to choose to not answer a call or text, etc.
This is not a personal battle between people. If someone doesn’t understand this and demands of your time and space at the beep of a phone all the time, anytime, then maybe it is time to reassess that relationship and whether it is worth having or not. We must respect each other and the blessings of this age by trusting that healthy boundaries are needed.
Now is the time to bridge your passion, your joy, into your work:…Into your life as a whole.
Now is not the time to pant, curse, and struggle even while you do the things that you are taking steps to leave behind. Practice now: the attitude of gratitude, and move on gracefully.
Now is the time to know your excitement.
It is not the time to get enthralled by others' excitement and skills, while losing sight of your own. They have manifested their living situation, art, work, relationships, and circumstances by answering their own callings based on the particular flavor of their soul. To follow their path blindly will only lead you away from your own.