there may be the laughter of an angel
the perfume of a great master
the whispers of happiness…
Be present
and Receive
It is our intention to regularly check out of the flow of society and return to the jungle to work with plant medicines; people’s reactions range from “what a waste of time!” to “wow, you must really trip out!” We simply go to be Reminded.
Now in the glorious summer of 2015, from our little home, we wish to share a lesson on receiving.
The plants are masters at living.
The lessons they impart to you- if you are willing to listen -are life lessons, lessons for living. Sure you’ll have the big experiences now and then but those experiences are the cliff notes, the subtle wink, the knowing smile of the master that inspires you to trust that underlying the many illusions of this world are not the screeching clockworks of a universe of mayhem but the exquisite weavings of awesome beauty.
be gentle with what you love
too much probing and inquisition
will harm
that which you truly wish
to keep safe
At El Santuario we witnessed Maestro Enrrique’s wife Aimay care for her children. She would bathe her three young children (a two year old, a four year old and a five year old) every evening. We listened in as she sang them to sleep each night as they snuggled on her chest, encased in a swaying hammock.
We witnessed Maestro Enrrique- a master of plants, a curandero, a glowing lion by night in powerful Ayahuasca ceremonies- cleaning in and around the outhouses by day that, in our lack of awareness, we made a mess of.
When we had fevers our heads were washed with cold floral water. When we had aches and pains from intense ceremonies, we were massaged.
This was true shamanic wisdom. True wisdom.
All this we witnessed with the blood of trees and plants running through our veins. We ate nothing but the most neutral foods, drawing our energy from the natural medicines we were dieting with. What were the plants giving us? For one, we were given the perspective of a tree observing humanity at its best: Stewards tending to the gifts of life, taking care of all that they could on a human level and leaving the rest to the God- to all that is. This perspective cannot be forgotten.
Our response when people ask us how to hold space for healing: take care of all that you can as a human being- clean your space, clean yourself, provide sustenance, safety, and focus your intentions of love, justice, and truth as best as you can and then…let go.
“The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” -Voltaire
The visions and spiritual experiences are meant to help you trust life, to love life and therefore LIVE LIFE. The 'wham-bam' experiences aren’t an end in themselves:
not even the experience of death.
Are you ready to receive?
One sets an energy whenever and wherever they are
When one keeps one’s home clean or dirty
Does one fill one’s space with things of emotional, medicinal, creative significance?
Or is there only conformity and meaninglessness?
What energy do we exude, what energies do we call to ourselves?
Whether you are with someone or alone- you are ready to receive.
Who or what may come into your presence next?
A passing grace?
A malevolent force?
A test?
You are ready.
This is not about being uptight and worried about what may happen next. This is not about keeping up appearances for the sake of show. This whole sharing is based upon the internal cleansing the plant medicines and spiritual practices facilitate in tandem when used correctly. These goals of presentness are met when we aspire for enlightenment.
question: Are you enlightened?
answer: Yes, everyday.
To be careful (Full of Caring) rather than being careless:
The good news is we are not punished in the traditional sense when we don’t measure up to the best version of ourselves, we simply draw experiences to ourselves based on the conditions we have created for ourselves, until we learn the lesson and create better conditions for ourselves. This means that we have a choice in the matter to improve our lives. It is as simple as that.
There is a child that stands by a group of children as they partake in arts and crafts. They offer him a crayon and paper, but he refuses. Soon the children finish up and start packing their things away, their parents have come to collect them. The child who didn’t participate is angry and frustrated, and cries to his mother that he didn’t get to make anything.
Years pass:
This child is now an adult. This child/adult is in a relationship with someone who is partaking in an unhealthy lifestyle but the child/adult doesn’t intervene and continues hanging on to “the better moments.” The person with the unhealthy lifestyle becomes ill and dies.
The child/adult is sad, angry and soon accepts that God/life/universe was punishing him because that is simply “how things are…”
The outcome didn't spring upon him when he wasn't looking; day by day, choice after choice to ignore the signs to make a change led to an inevitable consequence.
We choose all along the way. It is as simple as that.
Time is created. Be a watchmaker.
Space is created. Be a space-maker.
Creation is created. Be the creator.
Our body is a ceremonial space
For the Soul
Clean yourself and dress up every morning- simple, elegant, even cozy, but beautiful in your own eyes.
A hint of lavender essential oil in the almond oil you massage into your scalp. A little jewel glints on your sacred chest. A decorative band around your throbbing wrist connected to your dominant hand, reminds you of how you are creating your experience in the world.
Partake in the first blessing of the day: drink before anything else is consumed to awash your cathedral in the life giving liquid crystal called Water.
Then breakfast...break fast with something nourishing.
This keeps you present with the body, with who you want to be. Eating habits, drinking habits, indeed living habits improve as you keep a certain energy around yourself. Your mental and physical dispositions seek to match the reflection of their highest selves.
"When we've walked briskly and adequately on a suitable path, we see how senseless it is to go astray." -Michael and Ann Garo
When cravings and “bad” habits arise in you, take some time for yourself. When these energies are passing through address them with respect and allow them to pass. They are a test from nature. “Una prueba de la naturaleza.” Get acquainted, know them and thus they cannot take hold of you.
May we start presenting ourselves most beautifully to those closest to us, not only to the passing “newness” of strangers.