We are to open our mind to an intuitive side, and visualize what we must.
-Moments With Insight-
We will not make sense of experiences if we discover not a purposes of living. -Moments with Vision-
Adhere to laugh-provoking situations. Humor reduces stress, anxiety, worry and frustration. Humor takes the sting out of difficulties, and helps us not to take ourselves too seriously. - Moments with Vision -
Gracious listening along with considerate speaking, has an endowment all its own. - Moments with Insight -
Joyfulness is emotional resilience, wellbeing, and vigor, with fewer mood swings, and less phobia. It is being joyously busy with living. -Moments With Vision-
There is a genius in us. We can see and use it wisely or wrongly. Everything we do produces a result. What am I doing with results. - Moments with Vision -In reliving yesterday or anticipating tomorrow, we are to consider that each present moment holds exactly what is best for us. Experiences will in time be behind us. - Moments with Vision -
Where we feel at home is a place preferred; a source of emotional nourishment, a workshop for the development of our identity, a place to become one's self. - Moments With Vision -
Michael & Ann Garo quotes from Moments with Vision and Moments with Insight, along with other gems.
April 2021