A strong will tries to resolve difficult tasks and bears bravely with bitter experiences. A weak will succumbs easily to discouragement.
-Moments with Vision-
A strong will tries to resolve difficult tasks and bears bravely with bitter experiences. A weak will succumbs easily to discouragement. -Moments with Vision-
When we exercise pure intentions with goodness of heart, we see ourselves progressing. When we are indifferent to love of decency, we experience depletion of mind, body and spirit. -Moments with Insight-
Reflective self exam intensifies self knowledge. Self exam starts a process. It opens an inner door to act and be instructed anew through events, people, reading, or our own heart; our own intuition. -Moments With Insight-
Michael & Ann Garo quotes from Moments with Vision and Moments with Insight, along with other gems.
April 2021