This was commissioned by Zain, and produced and recorded at StudioPros in California, as a surprise for Zahra. This music was played during her walk down the aisle on September 26, 2020.
This is the version of our song A Star fell that was played at the wedding, except we had Zahra's mother's friend play the violin part live!
This was commissioned by Zain, and produced and recorded at StudioPros in California, as a surprise for Zahra. This music was played during her walk down the aisle on September 26, 2020.
Below is a link to the instrumental without the violin solo:
Zahra has made it to DC after her midwifery program to be with Zain for three months before she heads off the University of Rochester to continue her schooling! Singing together on her birthday day :)
Check out the album here: Weaving the Vine Our album Weaving the Vine, is a compilation of mantras, prayer songs, and lullabies. Almost all the tracks on the album are original compilations inspired by the adventures we’ve had over the past three years traveling to the Peruvian Amazon and then returning to New York. Before embarking upon creating this album, we didn't consider ourselves musicians, but as we began devoting so much time to music we have found it is an art form through which we most sincerely express ourselves. We are certain many more songs are to come and our craft will only improve. As we humbly share our progress- mistakes and moments of breakthrough all the same -we are learning, growing and having fun all the while! We will be continuing our exploration and education of healing with plant medicines in the Peruvian Amazon this February 2016. In this way, the album has taken on a whole new significance for both of us: We knew it would be ready sometime at the end of 2015, and now on New Year's Eve, we feel that we must let it go to open our hearts wide and symbolically close this most eventful and educational chapter. The album artwork was created by our dear friend and talented painter Vera Napravnikova, who has also been inspired by plant medicines of the Peruvian Amazon. Visit her websites:
The track below is on our album:
"revalue the human and natural resources of Amazonian traditional medicine."After a long interview process through letters and official documents, we are confirmed to partake in DIETA (click to read more). After this we are free to explore the Amazon and its mysteries, with our intuition and prior 3 years of experience guiding us, we feel confident that we will be safe and that we will find the perfect circumstances to support our learning process.
In related news: We are still working on our album and are aiming to release it within this blessed month of December. This sharing of our hearts through music has taken on a new significance as we find ourselves growing nostalgic of even the most routine aspects of our day, with the knowledge that life will soon be looking very different. The spirit of a farewell embeds itself in the music as we record, motivating us to give our best efforts to the process. The song "We are One" will not be on our upcoming album, but can be listened to and downloaded for free on soundcloud. Lastly we have compiled videos of memories from our experiences from the past few years and though it is mainly a farewell to our family here in New York, we'd like to share it with everyone who has had an exchange with us in one way or the other. Love, Zain and Zahra
Also a link to the audio track on SoundCloud below:
Hello everyone!
We are making progress with the album. We have taken a bunch of songs off of our SoundCloud as we are re-recording them. We've never considered ourselves musicians but as we are devoting so much time to music we are discovering how to really hone in on the message and energy we want to express as we play and sing, to relax and flow with the instruments, our voices and the composition as a whole. We used to wonder whether we should wait till some distant day when we have the proper recording venue, the best instruments, improved musical ability...the right this, or the right that...but we have found that as we humbly share our progress- mistakes and moments of breakthrough all the same -we are learning, growing and having fun all the while! At this time the most sincere way of expressing what we have learned and experienced from the medicine work of the amazon and from the courageous souls we have met along the way, is through music. We will have a bunch of songs that we have shared in ceremonies in Peru, the Virgin Islands, and New York. Many are our original compositions/transmissions, and some covers will be included which have inspired us along the way. A preview of our original composition of Om Mani Padme Hum below:
Exciting news!
For some time now we have been working on our first album: a homemade collection of sacred songs. There are some covers and many originals. It is hard work! The only kind worth doing. When doing what one loves it is true that hours pass unnoticed and all sorts of lessons and guidance start flowing into life. We are learning so much about each other, about concentration, possibilities and willpower. We are trying to complete it before the end of this year, but aren't forcing a deadline date. It is so savory to be part of an ongoing project and study that is coming from internal motivation. *Updates to come in the near future*
A prayer that is sung in many traditions around the world.
This particular version we covered is by Josua Wenzl & Leticia Sideris. This is a live recording of us from a sacred ceremony.
An uplifting song by Nick Barber.
Last night we spent the evening at a beautiful spot we call "Willow Pond," where we recorded our cover of this song. Dedicated to all our friends and family that are going through the ups and downs characteristic of the awakening process. |
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
-Aldous Huxley "Music in the soul can be heard by the universe."
-Lao Tzu Archives
October 2020